Friday, February 3, 2012

Crafting for my nephews

My sister is having TWIN boys in a few weeks so I have been crafting a few little things for my nephews. Jacob and Jackson should arrive sometime in April. I have been working on these gifts for a few weeks but I just gave them to Dana at her shower last Thursday.

These little onesies with denim ties are my favorite. I can't wait to see Jackson and Jacob with these and some cute little blue jeans.I also made these soft blocks and bibs. I didn't think of it until later but next time I make the blocks I will put some stuff in them so that they rattle or squeak. The little bibs are reversible.

And then the caterpillar onesies. I put their names on these so that their Auntie will be able to keep their names straight.

I am so glad I could find some cute little projects for boys. I really have enjoyed sewing and crafting for Jacob and Jackson. It gives me time to think about them and pray for them. My sister has done AMAZING with her pregnancy and every report on the boys from the doctor has been perfect. At their ultrasound last week they were almost 2 pounds each. Thank the LORD!!! In a few weeks I will be sharing pictures of nephews! So exciting!

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