Thursday, January 5, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!! We kicked off our Christmas Season at the Fantasy of Trees the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. We have gone to the Fantasy of Trees every year since Trey's First Christmas. The Fantasy of Trees is an annual fundraiser for Children's Hospital. I like to take this time to be thankful that I haven't had to take either of my children to Children's and to be thankful it is there if I ever do need to take one of them there.

Taryn sat up in the big girl stroller for the first time. She loved looking around and was a perfect angel.

Taryn had her face painted with a Christmas Tree and then took her nap.

Trey made a couple ornaments.

We all rode the merry go round.

I had to almost drag Trey out the door. He rode rides, rode scooters, played with Legos and trains, made ornaments and ate cookies. We had a great day and a great start to Christmas. Always one of my favorite days of the year!

Christmas Eve arrived almost in the blink of an eye. Cousin Bonnie sent Trey a bear that read "The Night Before Christmas." That is how our Christmas Eve evening began. I'm not sure who enjoyed the bear more, meme or Trey.

Then we opened our traditional Christmas Eve gift AKA JAMMIES!!!

Dad and Justin were having so much fun! Things were getting a little wild and crazy! LOL

Our Traditional family jammies picture

Santa brought Trey a dune buggy and lots of crafts in his stocking
Trey bought Taryn this flashlight with his own money at the Fantasy of Trees secret Santa shop

Poppy and Trey working on the new lego trash truck from mama and papa

First ride on his new dune buggy in his Captain Fireman suit

Mamaw's Babies

Trey asked Santa for Hotwheels race track. Mamaw and Papaw (I mean Santa) made one little boy very happy.

I wish I had bought stock in Hotwheels before Christmas. Trey got a LOT of hotwheels.

A couple days after Christmas, we took a ride up into the mountains to let Trey play in the snow. What a beautiful day and a wonderful day with my little family.

Another great Christmas full of blessings. We were able to spend time with family, I have 2 healthy children, an amazing husband, a new home and twin nephews on the way. Thank you Lord for your abundant blessings.

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