Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Our New Home

November 15th 2011 God blessed us with a new home. We had been praying about moving for over 2 years. This house is perfect and meets all our needs. God's timing is perfect!!!! We moved right in and put up our Christmas decorations. I have had so much fun decorating and crafting for our new home.

This is Taryn's room and her very own pink Christmas tree!!!

Trey's room

Travis and I made the headboard for him. Trey decorated his tree in his room. The first night he was in his bed looking at his tree and told his dad how much he loves his Christmas tree.

This is my AWESOME kitchen. Lots of room for my gadgets and counter space to make some goodies!!!

Here is our playroom/family room/ craft room. This room is still under construction. We are going to get a desk for Travis to tie flies and also a couch. I plan for this to be the room we all go to in the evenings and there will be something for everyone to do. There is even a BIG closet to hide all my sewing and crafting supplies with Trey's toys.

And here is the master bedroom with a mommy nook!!! We have a huge bathroom with tub and separate shower!! Couldn't ask for more!

And last but one of my favorite spaces.... The screened back porch and backyard!!! I can't wait for Spring

The dining room is still under construction too!! We are having a farmhouse style dining room table built. Pictures should hopefully be ready after the first of the year. We are TRULY BLESSED!!!!

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